How has your relationship with your personal style evolved?
I think the older I have gotten, the more comfortable I've felt in dressing just for myself. I no longer worry too much about how others perceive me through the way I dress and instead have found a lot of freedom in dressing however I feel best. Sometimes that means dressing up and piling on rings and other accessories and other times it means just putting on a loose dress and throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I aim for comfort above all else, so I guess you could say I have gotten less and less fussy the older I have gotten.
What was the beginning of Roam Vintage like?
The beginning of Roam really felt like an experiment. I had no idea where it would take me, I just knew I wanted to try to take my love for vintage and turn it into an offering for my friends and family. From there, it evolved really organically. The more effort I put into the business, the more inspired I became to evolve it into what it's become now. To this day, Roam is still evolving...I look forward to seeing what is next!
Where is one of your favorite places to be?
Home in Northern California is my favorite place to be. The climate and terrain up there is my version of heaven. When I am up north, I feel like the best version of myself.